[[UPDATED!]] Appointment Arrival Procedures

Alright, you’ve scheduled your appointment, you’ve received your confirmation message, and now the day has come and you need to know what to do! Well, here it is:

Use a Public Restroom Before Arrival.

While I do have a restroom in my home, the studio is just a renovated (admittedly adorable) shed which does not have those types of facilities! I will ALWAYS let folks use the bathroom in my house in an emergency, but it is ideal if you don’t need to use it while you are here. The closest public bathroom is the gas station up the street located at 150 Rainbow Rd. (Plus there is a Dunkin Donuts in there and lots of yummy snacks!)

Follow My Parking Directions.

In your 2-day email there are specific instructions about parking. Here it is again just in case:

“Follow [the street I am located on] then take a right onto [the street just before my house] and turn into the driveway on your immediate left. (We keep it open special for YOU!) That is [my location] and the dreadlock studio is the small structure straight ahead of where you are parked.”

(NOTE: street names and number are included in your 2-day confirmation email — not here because this is my private home after all!) If you arrive and the driveway is still occupied, please park on the side of the road ON MY PROPERTY, not across the street. The neighbor there is a nosy Nancy. :-/

Stay In Your Car Until I Get You!

By staying put it’ll give me the time I need to disinfect between each and every client which I am continuing to do following COVID — because who wouldn’t like to know they’re sitting in a nice, clean chair?? Plus sometimes I am filming TikToks or making phone calls and it would be super embarassing if you walked in on me lipsyncing or doing a stupid little dance to appease the social media gods. LOL

Masking Policy

I will be wearing a mask, but clients are NOT REQUIRED to wear them anymore. If you choose to wear one because that makes you more comfortable, please feel free, but it is your choice one way or the other. If you want a mask and you don’t have one — just ask! I have a million extras for just such an occasion.

I do still keep windows and door open wherever possible AND have an air filtration system running on a regular basis to keep the air as clean as possible.

That all said, I look forward to seeing you soon!


~ Avani