
I have a really sensitive scalp/dandruff. What can I do that’s safe for dreadlocks to help?

Whatever you do, AVOID USING “TRADITIONAL” DANDRUFF TREATMENTS (such as T-Gel, Head & Shoulders, Selsun Blue, etc.)!!! The products commercially available for treating dandruff at the store have tons of ingredients in them that are detrimental to the health and longevity of your locks. Check out the page on shampoos & soaps to learn more. … Read more

My dreadlocks are new and my head is SUPER itchy. What should I do???

It is TOTALLY normal and even expected for any new dreadhead to experience a fair amount of itchiness for the first few weeks. When you have “normal” hair your scalp is used to the regular, daily stimulation of a hair brush being run over it, but once you put your dreads in that comes to … Read more