Sectioning Tips & Tricks

Sectioning is one of the most important considerations if you are looking in getting dreadlocks. A lot of dread heads run head-long into the process without realizing the consequences of a haphazard sectioning job. Sectioning is the foundation of your dreadlock journey and is a springboard that will determine the ease and ability with which you are able to maintain them as they grow and mature. So, if you want to give your dreadlocks-to-be the best possible start, please read on!

There are so many different patterns out there, but the most common I see for dreadlocks is typically brick-lay pattern and fan pattern. However, diamond sectioning is currently very popular and one my personal current favorites is hex or honeycomb sectioning! Other than some specific sectioning patterns (such as a grid pattern) generally, there is no “wrong” pattern — it’s primarily a matter of personal aesthetic preference. Within reason, of course.

There are a couple different tools that you can use to aid you in your sectioning pursuits. Some individuals will use a regular comb (dread comb) to do it. However, we much prefer what is called a ‘rat-tail comb’ which is a comb that has a long, pointy handle. This type of comb allows for the greatest precision when it comes to getting your sections just right. Many people will do all of the sectioning before they get into the dreading portion of the initial placement with rubber bands and then go back and take out each band to dread as they go.

Our experience has been that using rubber bands for this purpose can be just as painful as the process itself. And we don’t need to make it any worse! (Although some methods are much more comfortable than others.) Our preference is to simply section as we go using hair clips to hold the hair out of my way that we are not ready to dread yet. However, if you really want to section everything ahead of time (and if this is your first time, that’s probably a good idea!) consider picking up some tiny hair clips for the job OR pick up some handy nail scissors to cut the bands out instead of trying to pry them out like you would normally. Your scalp will thank you for it!

All of the images in this section are intended only as general guidelines. It bears mentioning that when we, personally, are working on a client I ALWAYS take into consideration the natural part and fall of the hair. We feel it is usually best to try to work WITH the natural part (as in make an effort to place your sections using the parts that your hair falls into already on the top of the head). We will often arrange the sectioning on the crown of the head (this spans from the top of the temple and upwards to cover the entire top of the head) around the natural part. If you feel confident enough to do this you should consider doing so. Dreadlocks that are created OVER an existing, natural part have a tendency to try to grow split and not lock very nicely as they grow out. Likewise, you should avoid sections that are too narrow or wide; they should be roughly round or square. No “T”, “L”, or “C” shaped sections if you want to keep your scalp happy and healthy!

For more details please visit the other posts in this section!