FAQ/Knowledge Base

How to Care for “Partial” Dreadlocks

Even if you only have one dread, you need to at the very least keep them CLEAN and keep them SEPARATE! Dreadlocks, whether you have one or one hundred, always have a tendency to want to “eat”/suck in any loose hair around them. Unless you want to end up with mega-dreads you need to regularly run your fingers through your hair around the dreads to make sure none of the hair you want left loose is getting tangled into the locks.

I’m thinking of dreadlocks, but I can’t decide if they’re right for me. What should I do?

Well, I usually tell folks that when the time is right you’ll know! But, if your dilemma is whether or not dreadlocks will look good on you, there are a couple of options. The first, cheaper option, is that you can go to a salon that specializes in kinky, afro-textured hair types and get some twists … Read more

How to Care for Temporary, Synthetic Dreadlocks

The good news is that you can treat them almost just like your normal hair — you can wear them up, wear them down, and you can wash them. You do not need to wash the dreadlocks themselves when you shower/wash your hair, but rather simply focus on the scalp. We recommend using either a … Read more

Can I use hair dye/bleach on my dreadlocks safely?

Just like dying “normal” hair is damaging to the hair, it is also at least mildly damaging to dreadlocks. (After all, they are hair, too!) However, the process is slightly different. You really only need to be concerned with covering the OUTSIDE of your dreadlocks with whatever color you are dying. Don’t try to force … Read more

How much length will I lose if/when I dread my hair?

This is a loaded question and unfortunately the answer is ‘everybody is different’. However, the circumstances by which people lose length with the method(s) we use is at least fairly predictable. The first thing to know is that we cannot dread split ends! So if you have super long hair that you haven’t gotten cut in … Read more

How long does my hair need to be to put in dreadlocks?

It’s possible to dread hair as short as only 3″ long, but they would be some crazy, spikey dreads! A length of at least 5-6″ is preferable for putting in new dreads. If your hair IS still on the short side, but you just CAN’T wait for your hair to grow out, it is possible … Read more

I have a really sensitive scalp/dandruff. What can I do that’s safe for dreadlocks to help?

Whatever you do, AVOID USING “TRADITIONAL” DANDRUFF TREATMENTS (such as T-Gel, Head & Shoulders, Selsun Blue, etc.)!!! The products commercially available for treating dandruff at the store have tons of ingredients in them that are detrimental to the health and longevity of your locks. Check out the page on shampoos & soaps to learn more. … Read more

My dreadlocks are new and my head is SUPER itchy. What should I do???

It is TOTALLY normal and even expected for any new dreadhead to experience a fair amount of itchiness for the first few weeks. When you have “normal” hair your scalp is used to the regular, daily stimulation of a hair brush being run over it, but once you put your dreads in that comes to … Read more