FAQ/Knowledge Base

When can I start adding hair wraps and/or beads to my dreadlocks?

The good news for those of you just itching to accessorize your new locks is that there is NO wait! But, there is a trick to making sure you’re wearing them the “right” way to make sure that you don’t unintentionally cause any damage to your dreads! Before I explain to you the “right” way, … Read more

How can I round off/blunt the tips of my dreadlocks at home?

There are a few different ways to attempt this at home. The first and least invasive way to do it (folks that aren’t really into using tools can use this method, but it does require a lot of patience!) is to simply take the end of your dreadlock and rub the end of it around … Read more

Is it better to have my ends loose and wispy OR rounded and blunted?

Neither is inherently better or worse than the other. Ultimately it comes down to a matter of personal, aesthetic preference. Many folks believe (correctly) that having loose, wispy ends help facilitate faster, more efficient drying time after washing. However, as long as you are using the right products in  your locks, this shouldn’t be a … Read more

I have lots of crazy bumps/loops/zig-zags! What do I do about them?

You don’t *HAVE* to do anything! Bumps, loops, and zig-zags are completely normal, expected, and even can be a good sign! They are what happens when a part of you dreadlocks tighten up before another right next to it. Think of a set of blinds with only one side pulled up; One side is tight and scrunched together … Read more

My dreadlocks are frizzy! What can I do to fix it?

First of all, it’s important to realize that frizz is COMPLETELY normal and expected!!! We always say that everything with dreadlocks is two steps forward and one step back. Although your baby dreadlocks may have started off looking super sweet, over the next few months, they are going to turn into rebellious toddlers and get … Read more

Should I cover my dreadlocks when I sleep at night?

This is question that we have puzzled over for years to come to a conclusion that we feel comfortable sharing here and the general answer is: YES. However, it’s not a step that we would call absolutely necessary to your dreadlock journey, but it can help things along nicely if it’s one you choose to … Read more

Is it true that people with dreadlocks are more likely to get lice/bugs?

NO!!! Honestly, we’re not exactly sure where this myth comes from. Our best guess it that people are associating lice with uncleanliness; another myth about dreadlocks. (We promise that dreadlocks absolutely SHOULD be washed and cleaned regularly!) In fact, if anything, dreadheads are LESS likely to get lice due to the fact that we generally … Read more

I work out regularly and I get pretty sweaty! What can I do between washes to keep my scalp and my locks fresh?

As mentioned on the page about Washing, you should only wash your locks 1 – 2x per week. If you’re someone who is really active, it can be really challenging to limit yourself to so relatively little when you are sweaty and feeling a bit gross! The first thing you’ll want to invest in is … Read more

What about going swimming in pools/the ocean/fresh water? Can I get my dreads wet?

In an ideal world you would try to hold off on getting your hair wet except for days when you are planning (or might plan to) wash your locks anyway so they aren’t getting wet an excessive number of times. (That is you go swimming, and then go rinse/wash your hair afterwards right away.) Washing after … Read more