I am pregnant…. AGAIN! I know. Four. It’s ridiculous. This is the last one I swear. Before you ask, no we are not finding out if its a boy or a girl until the day the baby makes their appearance and, no, I am not telling you the names we have picked out but it amuses me to hear your suggestions!
In any case, as a result my being pregnant, I will be on maternity leave from mid-November 2019 until March 2020. I have so many loyal clients that have been and continue to stick it out with me for year and years. I recognize that this huge lapse in my availability will be a significant inconvenience for many of you. I tried to find a new apprentice to train, but as you’ve all heard me say a million times: The right person is almost impossible to find! So, for the first time ever since starting on this path 9+ years ago, I will NOT have another artist at my studio taking clients while I am away.
However, in an attempt to see as many of you as possible BEFORE I am going to be away I will NOT BE ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS FROM JULY 1ST 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 1st 2019. My last day of work before my maternity leave will be November 15th, 2019. In December I will start booking new clients again. (Which will probably have until at LEAST March, maybe later, to book.) So all you new folks, book in the next month for 2019 while you can!
ADDITIONALLY — I will be changing some of my pricing/payment policies (for my repeat clients) effective as of March 1st, 2020 following my return:
- New dreadlocks will be $350 for the first 4 hours and, $65/hr after.
- Previously, all clients who started seeing me after June 2016 were grandfathered in at a lower rate equalling $10 per hour less of the prevailing, current rate for maintenance. HOWEVER, as of MARCH 1st, 2020, I will be changing this slightly:
- All clients who have been seeing me for 3 years or more will receive $5 off PER HOUR. (So, if you have 3 hour appointment, that’s a $15 discount.)
- All clients who have been seeing me for 5 years or more will receive a discount of $10 off PER HOUR. (So, the same, hypothetical, 3 hour appointment would be a $30 discount.)
- NOTE: Make sure you make a note to yourself the month and year your locks were started to make sure you receive the proper discount(s)!
While I originally did that pricing freeze as a courtesy it is significantly impacting my ability to charge a rate that I think is fair to my skill and experience level as well as impacting my ability to pay my bills!
I will be making this change official on my pricing and policy pages shortly. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
~ Avani