We recently made some pretty big changes to our appointment booking/calendar system and “deposit” policies! Although it is always our hope that clients will keep their scheduled appointments, sometimes things come up and clients are unable to attend. Previously we charged a late fee on a sliding scale based on how close to the appointment it was cancelled/rescheduled/broken. However, unless a client chose to re-book after that, it was extremely difficult to enforce these policies.
So, we’ve switched over to Square Appointments for booking appointments. Instead of submitting your estimate request, receiving your estimate with a list of dates, and responding with your first preference and hoping the opening is still available when we get back to you (dates have always been first-come, first-serve, but still sometimes folks missed out on dates they might not have otherwise!), we will send a link to our new BOOKING SITE along with the service code you’ll need to book with and clients are able to view our calendar and book their OWN appointments in real time! (Raging Roots Studio retains the ability to approve OR deny all appointment requests so we can make sure we don’t overwork ourselves!)
Instead of collecting deposits/charging late fees as we did previously, Square gives us the option to take a credit card number in order to reserve an appointment. This is something we’ve been wanting to do for a while, but were unable to figure out how to do so securely to keep your credit information safe and private. With this feature, we’ve finally gotten it down pat!
So, we are now requiring a credit card number on file for ALL appointment reservations. Please note that your card will NOT be charged unless you cancel, reschedule, or break an appointment one week or LESS prior to the scheduled appointment date. The full balance of your service will be due upon completion of services.
To our knowledge, Square does NOT retain your credit card number past your scheduled appointment date. After that point, a new credit card number will need to be input (again) in order to re-book future appointments.
We are excited about these new changes and hope that they will allow us to continue to offer our clients only the best customer and dreadlock services! Thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty!
We look forward to hearing from you soon. 🙂