I was just almost finished writing a lengthier-than-I-would-have-liked updated regarding virus and infection control precautions at the studio when I stumbled across this document that was released by Governor Lamont regarding coronavirus recommendations in the state of Connecticut.
Unfortunately, as of last night (March 18th, 2020) at 10 p.m. the Governor has stated that the CT Department of Health is now urging salons and spas to close down as, you probably well know, transmission of the virus is caused by “person-to-person contact between people who are in close contact”.
Although I desperately need the income after just finishing my maternity leave I am forced to close my doors as of March 20th, 2020 indefinitely until such a time as the state of Connecticut deems it is safe to once again resume business. This is for EVERYONE’s safety, yours mine, my children, your children, your parents, your grandparents, etc. I was hoping this decision would be a little longer in coming, but no such luck. I apologize deeply for the inconvenience, but I can assure you that I am just as frustrated and disappointed by the need to make this decision as you are.
As a corollary to this action, I am once again closing myself off to booking new clients until business resumes as usual to make it as easy as possible to reschedule folks once all of this eventually blows over. Unfortunately, I cannot issue refunds as they are non-refundable as always. However, all previously made deposits will be honored. I will also be pushing my next price raise back to proportionately make up for the loss of time working as a result of this quarantine. (It was set to be in June 2020.)
I will be OPEN for CUSTOM DREADLOCK EXTENSIONS orders again for the first time in YEARS. And it will only last until business resumes as usual. So, if you’re interested, please reach out to me NOW while the offer lasts! Supplies are limited!
Thank you all in advance for your understanding and patience as we all hunker down and wait for this terrifying storm to pass. Hug your families, children, and pets tight. Be smart. Stay home. Sending you all much love.
Blessings and Love
~ Avani